Ethnic Technologies

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Ethnic Technologies Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage with New Product, Access India

As Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month concludes this week, Ethnic Technologies recognizes the growing and influential Asian Indian community, one of the many Asian/Pacific groups in the United States. With that in mind, Ethnic Technologies launched Access India, a new market insight that delivers unprecedented granularity.

Asian Indians are the fastest growing immigrant group in the United States.

This rapidly expanding consumer demographic is an affluent and highly educated market segment. Based on reporting from the Pew Research Center, in 2010:

  • 87.2% of Indian American adults were foreign-born, higher than other Asian immigrant groups

  • 70% of Indian Americans aged 25 and older had college degrees, 2.5 times the rate among the overall U.S. population

  • The median annual household income for Indian Americans was $88,000, 1.8 times the median annual income of all U.S. households

“Despite these commonalities, Asian Indians are a diverse population whose different religions, languages and cultures drive different perspectives and purchasing behaviors.”

- Lisa Spira, Director of Research and Product Development at Ethnic Technologies

Spira led the diversity-focused research behind the new product.

Access India incorporates extensive research and leading-edge technology, enabling you to engage consumers from this rapidly-growing and culturally diverse demographic.

“This May, many of our clients explored Asian market opportunities by discussing, testing, and purchasing Access India. We’re encouraged by the extremely positive response to this insightful product that reaches many new, high value customers.”

- Karen Sinisi, Director of Sales at Ethnic Technologies

As May 2018 comes to end, more and more companies are finding new or engaging their current Asian Indian consumer base with Access India.